Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bulimia and Eating Desorders

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder made by binge-eating and the need to be thin. Even people with bulimia who it’s an apple or a salad is considered binge-eating and you have to purge. Non-purging behaviors include fasting or exercise. People with bulimia the food is often been eat secretly and little chewing. People with bulimia often use drugs. People with bulimia also exercise a lot, and dieting. Purging is not necessary to lose weight. Bulimia had affected males but bulimia often affects young women and adolescent girls. Bulimia can affect people of any age. Bulimics may hide food. People with bulimia are always extremely concerned with their body weight and shape. When you purge you loose the minerals that your body needs to work properly. Purging causes swollen glands, inflammation, and the acids destroy the protective layer of the teeth. This problem affects mostly teen girls at the age of 12, 13, 14, all the way through an uncertain age because they start getting worried about being thin and obsessed to much with it each time more.

I think that bulimia is keeling lots and lots of people and with the only reason to be thin. I think that people should do a very big effort and try to find other ways to be thin and do not get too obsessed with the need to be thin, because being thin is not your life. This people are risking their life’s only to be thin, there are more important things in life to be worried about. this is affecting to many people and it worries me a lot. There are other eating disorders hat are killing a lot of people like anorexia and binge eating. And eating disorders are not only being thin, binge eating Is the people who eat too much and it is affecting also many people. I really think that people should stop. But i had learned that is very easy for me to say that people should stop, because I think that when people get in this they can hardly stop it. Anorexia is also an eating disorder and anorexia includes that the people sees on the mirror very fat and they are in a point like disappearing and they don’t have any idea. Each day I heard more and more people that has bulimia or other problems of eating disorders like anorexia, mostly famous people. For example Victoria Beckam, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Mary Kate Olsen and many other people has bulimia or anorexia or sometime had it. I am really worried about these problems.

I know that this information is not that much for people to realize that anorexia and bulimia and these eating disorders are killing to many people only for he need to be thing. And I really want that sometime people realize and stop doing it but how I told you this is to difficult for the people who gets into it. But I think this should change very fast, and I am only one person so I cannot change this alone but what I do want to make is the people to realize what is really happening. Later I would write more information about this, how you had enjoy it and that has been useful in someway.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Bulimia as Anorexia have increase in last decade ( based in studies of viagra online Institute). This problems will continues til we don't change the myth that the girl skinner is more perfect.

Anonymous said...

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