Sunday, October 29, 2006


This year I had go into a sport, this is not a very normal thing in me. I never do sports, but this year in 7th grade I had tried my best in basketball. I am going to the practices wich are very cool. I am trying my best and I had a great time on the practices, they are very cool and specially because I am learning how to play better basketball and I had learned many things. And I enjoy very much the practices because I am with many of my friends some they are even better. I enjoy a lot playing basktetball with my friends, I had a great time.

In basketball classes first we get someone in the team that makes us make like ten minutes of exercise. When we finished making exercide we start making some activities with the basketball and running and doing very cool activities that helps us and they are very imoprtant to make them before playing the game. When we had finish making this activities with 6th grade and 8th grade we start playing the games. First 6th grade plays with 7th grade, then 7th grade plays with 8th grade and at last 6th grade plays with 8th grade.

This year I had enjoy very much this basketball clases. And each day I learn something new. I had also enjoy them because I play with people of other grades in the school like 6th and 8th grades, and it is very cool because you learn things from them and also yoy have the opportunity to play with different people and not always with people in 7th grade. I had really learned many thing and I am very glad I am trying and learning something new. I really did not believe that I was going to get into a sport in this time, and I did get in basketball to see how were them and I liked them very much, and know I am trying my best to get each time better. I had really had a good time in baskteball practices.

1 comment:

Suadi..... said...

mrhide i coulndot post my freeeee pot wht can i dooo!!!!